| Cody Overnight Hikes | Forms / Resources | JCD List

Camp Cody, regarded by Scouts and Scouters as “The Best Backwoods Camp in the Sierra”, is an off-the-grid Scout camp owned and operated by Troop 1. Scouts can earn merit badges, explore the outdoors, and learn leadership and teamwork skills in an incredible setting at 7250′. With no roads into camp and no electricity, Camp Cody provides an authentic week of backwoods camping that Scouts have enjoyed since 1937.
The camp is led by an older Scout called the Junior Camp Director, who works with a team of a dozen other older Scouts called Junior Officers, and together they collectively deliver the camp’s daily program. While adult staff members are always present to teach merit badge classes and ensure safety, it is the Scouts who have the chance to lead and be led, regardless of age. It’s a memorable Scouting experience that’s safe, fun, and unlike any other camp in the Golden Empire Council.
See you this summer!
Camp Cody Basic Info
Cody 2023 brochure (2025 Brochure Coming Soon) | 2025 Staff Manual (for JOs and Adult Staff) |
Camp Fees & Late Fees (see Step 5: Submit Payment) |
Merit Badge Class Schedule | Training Requirements (For JOs and Adults) |
How to Print Training Certs from MyScouting.org (For JOs and Adult Staff) |
Questions? Contact:
Mike Quillici Senior Camp Director 530-304-7456 [email protected] |
John Cargile Program Director 530-304-8992 [email protected] |
Register for Camp Cody 2025 – Cody Timeline
Date | Registration Milestones / Camp Dates |
March 2, 2025 |
March 30 |
May 11 |
May 31 |
June 7-8 |
June 19 |
July 12-13 |
July 14-18 |
July 19 |
July 20 |
July 23-24 |
July 26 |
July 27, 2025 |
Register for Camp Cody in Five Easy Steps
STEP 2: Complete the Electronic Application
Parents / Guardians: Scouts should not fill out applications until they have decided on their 2025 merit badges - they'll need to note on their applications which badges they want to take. See the Merit Badges section to Be Prepared before filling out the application.
Troop 1 | Adult | Scout |
Troop 49 | Adult | Scout |
Troop 78 | Adult | Scout |
Troop 363/1601 | Adult | Scout |
Troop 2020 | Adult | Scout |
STEP 3: Fill Out Scouting America Medical Form parts A, B, and C
***Please submit this form, along with a copy of your medical insurance card (front and back), to your troop.***
STEP 4 (Required for Scouts): Fill Out Shooting Sports Release
Download and complete the Shooting Sports Release, then submit it to your troop. NOTE: Please complete even if your Scout is not planning to participate in these activities.
STEP 5: Submit Payment
Applicants should submit their camp payments to their troop.
Camp Attendee |
March 30 – May 10(Standard) |
May 11 – 31(Late) |
Scout | $300 | $350 | |
Adult | $200 | $250 |
Family Day Dinner - $5 per visitor. Payment not required for registered Scouts and Adults. (Include these fees with your camp registration fees.)
Please indicate the individuals(s) for whom the payment was made and any additional fees included in the “Memo” section.
Merit Badges at Camp Cody (2025)
How to Sign Up and Prepare for Merit Badges at Camp Cody:
Step 1: Review Merit Badge Policies
- All Scouts except Junior Officers (JOs) must take at least four merit badges unless excused by their Scoutmaster (note: double period classes count as two merit badges for scheduling purposes).
- All JOs must take one merit badge unless excused by the Senior Camp Director.
- Scouts are encouraged to select one or two additional merit badges they would like to take should we be unable to schedule them into their preferred choices.
- Cody Pioneers (first-year Scouts) are pre-assigned to Swimming, Leatherwork and Trail to First Class (TTFC) First Aid unless excused by their Scoutmaster.
Step 2: Check the 2025 Class Schedule
Look at the 2025 MB class schedule and identify classes you’d like to take for merit badge periods 1-4 (and 5, if you want). Only one class per period. Avoid requesting merit badge classes that are scheduled for the same times.
Make note of which classes you want so you can add those to your application.
Class Schedule Key:
- 1/3 each period means the class is for Cody Pioneers only. Pioneers are split into three groups to balance them in the Leatherwork, Swimming, and TTFC classes they all must take.
- Blacked out means no class can be scheduled that period.
- max ## means the class has set a cap on the number of scouts in a class.
- double period means that the class takes up two periods.
- Note: Orienteering and Wilderness is a combined class and scouts can earn both merit badges.
Step 3: Sign Up for Merit Badges in Cody Application
Click here to go to the camp sign-up section
Step 4: Merit Badge Requirements, Pre-Camp Work, and Workbooks
After signing up, get a list of requirements, list of pre-camp work, and merit badge workbooks – see below. You will need to buy, rent, or borrow the book separately.
The merit badge and workbook links below take you to the most current official requirements. (A HUGE thank you to Mr. Johnson for compiling this information in one place!)
Click on the “yes” link for a listed merit badge, for a separate PDF document that provides some guidance on ways to successfully accomplish the necessary work with the flag ‘PRE-CAMP’ and bold type text recommendations.
Please note: some MBs have 30 day observation/recording periods so the MB cannot be completed in camp if the Scout has not done those requirements in advance.
Requirements asking the Scout to “explain” or “discuss” may be completed with a written document or an oral presentation. The Scout may choose to create an outline (cryptic notes) to aid the Scout when giving a verbal explanation to the merit badge counselor. One rule that does apply is just like school: “No name on written work given to counselor – no credit.” 😊
Camp Cody Merit Badge Requirements, Pre-Work, and Workbooks
Step 5: Do Your Merit Badge Pre-Work – We’ll See You at Cody!
Other Opportunities at Camp Cody
These awards are unique to Camp Cody and prompt Scouts to advance in rank and earn a variety of merit badges during their seven years at camp. While every Scout receives a Cody Pioneer patch after their first camp week, only a few Scouts have earned Cody Explorer, which requires a Scout to have earned the Eagle rank before or at their final week at Cody. Click on each bar for each Cody Award’s requirements. (Printable Cody Awards checklists)
- Attend Cody Pioneers weekend campout in June
- Attend camp for the first time
- Complete Trail to First Class requirements during Cody Pioneers period
- Camp overnight at Cody Meadows during camp week
- Earn First Class
- Earn the Swimming merit badge
- Earn one Natural Sciences merit badge
(Astronomy, Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry, Geology, Nature, Soil and Water Conservation, or Weather) - Earn one High Adventure merit badge
(Archery, Climbing, Rifle Shooting, or Shotgun Shooting) - Identify five local trees and five constellations
- Earn Star Scout
- Earn Cody Outpost
- Earn the Camping merit badge
- Earn the Cooking merit badge
- Earn one Aquatics merit badge
(Canoeing, Kayaking, Lifesaving, Rowing, or Small Boat Sailing)
- Earn Life Scout
- Earn Cody Mountaineer
- Earn the Pioneering merit badge
- Earn the Wilderness Survival merit badge
- Earn the Orienteering or Signs, Signals, and Codes merit badge
- Earn Eagle Scout
- Earn Cody Ranger
- Earn a second High Adventure merit badge
(Archery, Climbing, Rifle Shooting, or Shotgun Shooting) - Earn a second Natural Sciences merit badge
(Astronomy, Fish and Wildlife Management, Forestry, Geology, Nature, Soil and Water Conservation, or Weather) - Earn a second Aquatics merit badge
(Canoeing, Kayaking, Lifesaving, Rowing, or Small Boat Sailing)
Outstanding Camper
This bronze medal, inscribed with the year, honors the non-JO Scout who exemplifies superior Scout spirit and character. Factors that are considered include earning merit badges, advancing in rank, earning patrol / individual awards, cleanliness, selflessness, cheerfulness, helpfulness, volunteering, participating in camp activities, and above all, living the Scout Oath and Law. Candidates for Outstanding Camper must keep track of their own point sheets, including signatures and points awarded, and can only use items during the current Camp Cody. JOs and Cody Pioneers are not eligible for this award. Point sheets must be submitted no later than Saturday at noon to the Program Director. Scouts can request a copy of the point system and tally sheet when they get to Camp Cody, or print the one linked below.
Printable Outstanding Camper form (on page 2)
Mile Swim
Mile Swim information and requirements – not a merit badge
The Mile Swim is an opportunity for strong swimmers only! Scouts (or adults) swim eight continuous lengths along Cody Lake’s eastern shore under the close supervision from a nearby rowboat. Those who accomplish the swim earn a patch, a complimentary cup of hot cocoa, and get their name added to our list of Mile Swimmers:
- Completion of the Swimming merit badge
- Proper physical fitness and ability level
Be Prepared to do four hours of training swims during camp (one hour per day maximum) under the supervision of a Waterfront staff member before attempting the Mile Swim. This can be earned more than once!
Snorkeling information and requirements – not a merit badge
New at Cody for 2025!
Cody Overnight Hikes
Overnight Hikes – Latitude and Longitude
1. Each map has its destination name highlighted and is followed by its associated latitude and longitude in decimal degrees.
2. If a driver uses a navigation app on their mobile phone or GPS unit, simply enter the appropriate decimal degrees in the “from-to” section. While the visual and audio directions should match the printed map, it is strongly recommended that both the driver and her/his navigator review the map before leaving the parking lot. Also, note any cautionary driving information regarding road and traffic conditions.
3. Review the printed map for additional navigation remarks that augment the Google Map directions.
4. These individual driving maps include a listing of Camp Cody overnight trek destinations and associated latitude/longitude coordinates.
5. Following the driving directions section is additional information including trail maps, hiking information, and any appropriate cautions hike leaders should take into consideration.
Cody Overnight Hikes Information
Hikes | Driving Directions & Hiking Maps | Which Scouts can participate? |
Caples Creek | Caples Creek Trailhead | All scouts – second year at Cody and above |
Cody Meadows | Cody Meadows | All Pioneers (first-year scouts), Pioneer JOs, and Wilderness Survival |
Dardanelles Lake | Big Meadow Trailhead (print pg 1, 2, 3) | All scouts – second year at Cody and above |
Grouse / Hemlock / Smith Lakes | Wrights Lake Trailhead (print pgs 1, 2, 3, 5) | All scouts – second year at Cody and above |
Lyons & Sylvia Lakes | Lyons Creek Trailhead | All scouts – third year at Cody and above |
Pyramid Peak | Rocky Canyon Trailhead | JOs only |
Round Lake | Big Meadow Trailhead (print pg 1, 2, 4) | All scouts – second year at Cody and above |
Twin Lakes & Island Lake | Wrights Lake Trailhead (print pgs 1, 2, 3, 4) | All scouts – second year at Cody and above |
Forms / Resources
Cody Brochure, Cody Staff Guide, & Training Requirements
Scouting America Medical Form (for Cody 2025)
Cody 2025 Shooting Sports Release
2025 merit badge class schedule
Cody Awards checklist / Outstanding Camper form
Cody Songbook